Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Poverty's Children: Growing Up in the South Bronx

You are going to respond to the following article and relate it to the book, Random Family. Click on the link here to read the article: http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m1295/is_n10_v59/ai_17598379/print

You should take notes and/or print the article to use for reference.

Choose one of these two topics to write about:

What similarities do you see between the children in this article and the characters/children in Random Family? Be specific and refer to both the article and the book to support your ideas. Use page numbers when referring to the book.


What is a theme that you see present in the article and in the book Random Family? Be specific and refer to both the article and the book to support your ideas. Use page numbers when referring to the book.

Your response will be in the short essay format and should include a brief introduction, your point/thesis, support to explain/clarify your point, and a conclusion.

You will hand in your response today or Tuesday. The response should be typed and 1 – 2 pages in length.

Group Project Posting - #1 - FL